Here it is, all the participants of the Mini Pavois 2010 have joined La Rochelle. Congratulations to them all!
Nacho Orti has arrived safe and sound
Nacho Orti (488 - NATCHO ORTI BUSCA SPONSOR) has arrived to La Rochelle and could attend the awards ceremony.
Marc Vertes is in La Rochelle
Marc Vertes has... finally...reached La Rochelle. Why "finally"? Because he was "glued" in Antioche sluice for the all night... Harsh!
Awards ceremony partners.
Despite, the postponment of the start in Gijon, the awards ceremony will be set ,as agreed, at 3 pm today Friday the 14th of May (Société des Régates Rochelaises). And when there is a prize ceremony, there are partners. Thta is why, GPO wants to say thank you this Mini Pavois 2010 ceremony's partners, that are: Pochon SA, Voiles & Voiliers, Karver, Big Ship and Lyophilisé.fr that offered products before the start.
Series in-crowd...
Night brought its share of arrivals as expected... The series boat that arrived last night are: Jean-Marc Allaire (464 - Baker Tilly - AG2R La mondiale) and Conrad Colman (480 - Colman Course au large), Jean-Marie Oger (774 - JMO Sailing), Pierre Cizeau (746 - Colibri), Brendan Archin (757 - Association La Touline), Jonas Gerckens (473 - PragmaWork), Yann Le Pautremat (483 - As de Coeur - Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque).
Three protos also reached La Rochelle last night: Milan Kolacek (759 - Follow me), Pierre Denjean (36 - Oufti) et Henri Patou (551 - Ecartip).
Three protos also reached La Rochelle last night: Milan Kolacek (759 - Follow me), Pierre Denjean (36 - Oufti) et Henri Patou (551 - Ecartip).
Second leg's series boats podium...
Amaury François is the third to reach La Rochelle as for series boats
Amaury François (697 -, that was 2nd in Gijon, just finished third in the second leg as for series boats, after Robert Rosen Jacobson.
He should remain second at the overall.
Robert Rosen Jacobson, 2nd Series boat in La Rochelle
Robert Rosen Jacobson (602 - Ned602) has crossed the second leg's finish line.
Xavier Macaire first series boat to cross the finish line of the second leg.
Xavier Macaire (472 - Starter) is the winner of the second leg of the Mini Pavois 2010 between Gijon and La Rochelle for the Series category.
Like Jorg Riechers for prototypes, Xavier scored twice.
Race time for the second leg: 3 days 9 hours 26 minutes and 5 seconds at an average speed of 5.71 knots.
Like Jorg Riechers for prototypes, Xavier scored twice.
Race time for the second leg: 3 days 9 hours 26 minutes and 5 seconds at an average speed of 5.71 knots.
Paul Marette 6th in La Rochelle: prototypes class.
Paul Marette (265 - région Nord Pas de Calais) has arrived in La Rochelle.
Lucas Montagne, fifth proto in La Rochelle.
Lucas Montagne (618 - Ong Conseil) just finished this second leg between Gijon and La Rochelle.
Xavier Macaire, 1st series boat, is expected in the evening.
Xavier (472 - Starter) is 20 nautical miles from the finish line and should cross the finish line at 8.30 pm
Withdrawal of Benoît Laurière (539 - Kalonig 2)
Benoît Laurière (539 - Kalonig 2) withdraws for technical problems and moored his boat in Lorient.
Nicolas Boidevezi (719 - Défi G.D.E), fourth of the leg and third at the overall for prototypes (before jury): "I am dead... I had to tack like I never did before, I was exhausted. It was cold. It was 8 degrees (ed, Celsius) on the first part... this leg was gruelling! Incredible, how far the lead was from me... Luckily I am back. After Birvideaux, I used my genaker and I overpassed those who were behind, while we were passing the lighthouse as in a match race. I could have asked for water on the way! I'm tired and I dont' have dry clothes anymore.... "
Nicolas Boidevezi keeps his third rank at the overall (before jury).
Nicolas Boidevezi (719 - Défi G.D.E) is still 3rd at the overall for prototypes before jury.
His race time for the whole Mini Pavois 2010 is 4 days 9 hours 26 minutes and 17 seconds. Etienne David, meanwhile, completed the 800 nautical miles in 4 days 9 hours 47 minutes and 27 seconds.
Nicolas Boidevezi time of race for the second leg: 3 days 4 hours 48 minutes and 14 seconds at an average speed of 6.04 knots. He arrived 2h50 after the first and 2h36 after the third.
His race time for the whole Mini Pavois 2010 is 4 days 9 hours 26 minutes and 17 seconds. Etienne David, meanwhile, completed the 800 nautical miles in 4 days 9 hours 47 minutes and 27 seconds.
Nicolas Boidevezi time of race for the second leg: 3 days 4 hours 48 minutes and 14 seconds at an average speed of 6.04 knots. He arrived 2h50 after the first and 2h36 after the third.
Etienne David (679 – Team Work): "I am very happy because I have good ranking and it was not fun. It was pretty difficult... The mini with this wind, I discovered it. It was wet and super cold. It was a good leg and it stimulated me to be always in contact with Jorg and Thomas. I did not give up! I do not know what sail to choose sometimes and when I think I'm fine, I see the other go even faster... It's crazy! I must get used to it and I need to learn to dare. But when I see the potential I have with that boat and that I can fight with the good ones, it's encouraging! For a first try, I am very happy .... "
Thomas Normand, 2nd proto of the second leg and 2nd of the Mini Pavois
Thomas Normand (787 - Financière de l'Échiqiuer): "My feeling about that race is that I feel super comfortable on this boat. She is brand new and I feel good .. She and I were shoved near the Gironde and it was not easy to handle... But I did my best to properly manage my efforts and I am glad. I managed to pull out all the stops when it was necessary, I am satisfied. The first night has been quite complicated to go, with two fronts. This was very tactical... And the second half of the race when we thought it would be simple, there were moves to try especially around Belle-Ile. That's where, I think, we dug the gap with the others. For me, we had done three quarters of the race at the mark but not at all! I accomplished what I came for, I wanted to do my best on this Mini Pavois and suddenly I'm so happy. Especially with a brand new boat ... Good start for the season!"
Jorg Riechers, 1st proto of the second leg and Mini Pavois' winner.
Jorg Riechers (753 - "I was at the mark with a good lead on Thomas (ed., Normand) but the wind fell and Thomas came back to the contact. It was extremely difficult from the beginning to the end... It was very physical because it was quite windy and I did not have much time to rest. I'm very happy that I have won both races. being second of the Select 6.50 and first of the Mini Pavois is great. If it continues like this, it's cool ... "
Etienne David ranked 3 for the second leg.

Etienne David (679 - Team Work) crossed the second leg's finish line at 13h 32 m 10sec. He is, thus, third in the prototypes class.
He completed the 465 nautical miles of this leg in 3 days 2 hours 12 minutes and 10 seconds at an average speed of 6.27 knots. he arrived 14 minutes after Jorg Riechers.
He completed the 465 nautical miles of this leg in 3 days 2 hours 12 minutes and 10 seconds at an average speed of 6.27 knots. he arrived 14 minutes after Jorg Riechers.

Jorg Riechers and Thomas Normand crossed the second leg's finish line.
Jorg Riechers (753 - and Thomas Normand (787 - Financière de l'Échiquier) crossed the finish line of the second leg of the 2010 Mini Pavois between Gijon and La Rochelle, respectively at 13h 18min 10sec and 13h 19min 19sec.
A neck-to-neck final sprint, Thomas arriving only 1 minute and 9 seconds after Jorg Riechers.
Congratulations to Jorg Riechers, who won the first leg already! He completed the 465 nautical miles between Gijon and La Rochelle in 3 days 1 hour 58 minutes and 10 seconds at an average speed of 6.29 knots.
As for Thomas, he does a great start in the mini circuit. Third in the first leg, he completed the second half of the race in 3 days 1 hour 59 minutes and 19 seconds at an average speed of 6.28 knots.
Jorg Riechers and Thomas Normand neck-to-neck.
Slowdown in the lead...Light northeast wind with opposite current. New ETA: 1.00 pm for the firsts. Note that Thomas Normand and Etienne David were more rapid than Jorg Riechers at the last score. Will Jorg keep the lead? Bets are open. On his side, Nicolas Boidevezi just passed the mark.
Meteo Consul: Southwest in the end of the night
Thursday the 13th of May
Northeast wind force 3-4, variable from 1 to 3 near Belle-Île. In the afternoon, turning northwest wind force 3-4. The wind turns north (in the south of Belle-Île) before reinforcing. Coastal trade winds are increasing. Slight to moderate sea. Mostly cloudy weather. Very few showers. In the night, the wind falls. Southwest wind in the end of the night.
Friday the 14th of May
West wind force 2-3 reinforcing southwest force 3-4. In the end of the night, northwest wind force 2-3. Unclouded sky becoming cloudy. Showers on the evening.
Northeast wind force 3-4, variable from 1 to 3 near Belle-Île. In the afternoon, turning northwest wind force 3-4. The wind turns north (in the south of Belle-Île) before reinforcing. Coastal trade winds are increasing. Slight to moderate sea. Mostly cloudy weather. Very few showers. In the night, the wind falls. Southwest wind in the end of the night.
Friday the 14th of May
West wind force 2-3 reinforcing southwest force 3-4. In the end of the night, northwest wind force 2-3. Unclouded sky becoming cloudy. Showers on the evening.
Express sail down...
The lighthouse of Birvideaux has offered a long downwind sail down... And if there were zones with no wind, the protos have rapidly sail to the mark that they should reach soon. Jorg Riechers took the lead, followed by Thomas Normand and Etienne David. Among series boats, Xavier Macaire has gleaned some miles from Robert Rosen Jacobson... Xavier is leading and he will be for sure the first to reach the mark. The first protos are expected to be at the Minimes buoy at around 10.00 am / 10.30 am, finish line of this Mini Pavois. Cross fingers for Jorg Riechers and Xavier Macaire. It seems that it is their Mini Pavois.
In the night in the Birvideaux.
Etienne David is keeping the lead to Birvideaux. First to the mark, he keeps up the pace and slips to the lighthouse between Belle-Ile and Ile de Croix. He is followed by Jorg Riechers and Thomas Normand who are 8 nm behind. Note that Nicolas Boidevezi is 26 nautical miles behind, the sailor can forget the benefits of his excellent second rank in Gijon...
Among Series, Robert Rosen Jacobson is still ahead even if Xavier Macaire is getting closer and closer... Robert offered us a beautiful performance on water ahead of Conrad Colman that slipped just before Xavier. The all three are almost in contact, nothing is done for the moment. Do not forget Jean-Marc Allaire and Amaury Francois that are fourth and fifth, 7 nm from the leader.
Météo Consult weather forecast.
Wednesday the 12th of May
Gusty northeast wind in the morning, turning progressively north-northeast. North wind force 3 in the afternoon. At the mark, difficult passage with a very variable wind to force 2 – 3 in the evening and in the middle of the night, strengthening north-northeast to force 4, locally to force 5 in the second half of the night. Calm to slight sea, locally moderate in the night. Very variable weather. Good visibility.
Thursday the 13th of May
North-northeast winds force 4 weakening force 3 in the morning. In the afternoon high risk of wind's fluctuation in a northwest area sometimes declining to force 2, before strengthening to force 3-4 close to the finish line. No wind in the night.
Friday the 14th of May
The wind rises in the southwest force 3, before strengthening to the west-southwest to force 4. Calm sea.
Gusty northeast wind in the morning, turning progressively north-northeast. North wind force 3 in the afternoon. At the mark, difficult passage with a very variable wind to force 2 – 3 in the evening and in the middle of the night, strengthening north-northeast to force 4, locally to force 5 in the second half of the night. Calm to slight sea, locally moderate in the night. Very variable weather. Good visibility.
Thursday the 13th of May
North-northeast winds force 4 weakening force 3 in the morning. In the afternoon high risk of wind's fluctuation in a northwest area sometimes declining to force 2, before strengthening to force 3-4 close to the finish line. No wind in the night.
Friday the 14th of May
The wind rises in the southwest force 3, before strengthening to the west-southwest to force 4. Calm sea.
Benoit Reynis in La Rochelle
Benoit Reynis (452 - Al Dente) has arrived in La Rochelle because of autopilot problems. He wants to repair and set sails as soon as possible. To be continued...
Loic Le Bras (579 - Cachaca) and Henrik Masekowitz (625 - Caribou) arrived in la Rochelle. Loïc retires for energy problems and Henrik Masekowitz (625 - Caribou) withdraws for keel, water seepage and energy problems.
Masekowitz on the way back to La Rochelle.
Henrik Masekowitz (625 - Caribou) is returning to La Rochelle. Loïc Le Bras will reach La Rochelle in few hours.
Second part...
Escort boats contacts, the second part, Loïc Le Bras (579 - Cachaca) has energy problems and heads to La Rochelle. Jonas Gerckens (473 - PragmaWork) has pilot problems too. Note that the 446, Emmanuel Renaud on Koati has tacked and is back in the right course.
News from the sea...
News from the escort boats: Tolga Pamir (737 - Yakamoz) announced that he was heading to La Rochelle after the mark because of water seepage in the boat by the keel. Alban Astier (785 - Seanergy) said that he had pilot matters but does not withdraw by now. The N° 452, Benoit Reynis on Al Dente has pilot problems too and heads to La Rochelle.
Robert Rosen Jacobson, first series boat
Swiss sailor, 1st at the mark Eaux saines
Etienne David (679 - Team Work) was the first at the mark Eaux Saines around 4 am. Jorg Riechers (753 - and Thomas Normand (787 - Financière de l'échiquier) were 2nd and 3rd at the mark. The sailing to Birvideaux starts in a Northeast flow.
Meteo Consult weather forecast
Tuesday the 11th of May
The fleet took advantage of favourable northwest wind to progress. Their speed is 6 to 8 knots. The speed weakens on Tuesday in their ascent when beating near Antioch. They will pass the mark in the second half of the night.
Northwest wind force 3-4 turning north-northeast in the evening force 4. Gusts force 5. Moderate to locally slight sea. Northwest waves of nearly 1m. Increasingly unstable weather with more and more showers from the afternoon. Good visibility.
Wednesday the 12th of May
The fleet progress towards Birvideaux on the fringe of the low-pressure system centred from southwest to northeast France. Boats are progressing in a moderate northeast wind weakening in the north, at the approach of mark in the evening and night.
Northeast wind force 4 with gusts force 5 in the morning, gradually weakening to force three in the afternoon and turning north. Once the mark is passed, conditions rapid down winding to La Rochelle with northeast wind force 4 in the second half of the night. Moderate to locally slight sea. Northwest waves around 50 cm.
Predominant bright intervals. Good visibility.
Thursday the 13th of May
Low pressure system should move rapidly eastward along with the rise of a ridge of high pressure in the west of Brittany in the morning and in the north of Biscay in the afternoon before collapsing in the evening La Rochelle.
This evolution gives north light wind, moderate in the northwest, until the arrival of La Rochelle. Moderate to locally slight sea in the evening.
The fleet took advantage of favourable northwest wind to progress. Their speed is 6 to 8 knots. The speed weakens on Tuesday in their ascent when beating near Antioch. They will pass the mark in the second half of the night.
Northwest wind force 3-4 turning north-northeast in the evening force 4. Gusts force 5. Moderate to locally slight sea. Northwest waves of nearly 1m. Increasingly unstable weather with more and more showers from the afternoon. Good visibility.
Wednesday the 12th of May
The fleet progress towards Birvideaux on the fringe of the low-pressure system centred from southwest to northeast France. Boats are progressing in a moderate northeast wind weakening in the north, at the approach of mark in the evening and night.
Northeast wind force 4 with gusts force 5 in the morning, gradually weakening to force three in the afternoon and turning north. Once the mark is passed, conditions rapid down winding to La Rochelle with northeast wind force 4 in the second half of the night. Moderate to locally slight sea. Northwest waves around 50 cm.
Predominant bright intervals. Good visibility.
Thursday the 13th of May
Low pressure system should move rapidly eastward along with the rise of a ridge of high pressure in the west of Brittany in the morning and in the north of Biscay in the afternoon before collapsing in the evening La Rochelle.
This evolution gives north light wind, moderate in the northwest, until the arrival of La Rochelle. Moderate to locally slight sea in the evening.
Meteo Consult weather forecast:
Monday the 10th of May
Light and variable wind angling northwest force 3 in the evening. 1,5 to 2 m northwest waves. Very cloudy and rainy weather. Sometimes very bad visibility with banks of fog, the situation gets much better after the wing angles northwest.
Light and variable wind angling northwest force 3 in the evening. 1,5 to 2 m northwest waves. Very cloudy and rainy weather. Sometimes very bad visibility with banks of fog, the situation gets much better after the wing angles northwest.
Tuesday the 11th of May
West wind force 3 to 4. 1 to 1.50 meters northwest swell. Predominant bright intervals. Good visibility. There be should a clear improvement of the forecast.
Wednesday the 12th of May
NNE wind force 4, force 5 gusts. Slight to moderate sea. Predominant bright intervals. Good visibility.
Next trends
Moderate north streams.
Course memo
Ile d'Yeu to leave portside, the South Cardinal buoy named Sablaire to leave starboard (46°43,7 - 02°19,4W), Belle Isle to be left portside, the lighthouse of Birvideaux to circumvent and leave starboard (47°29.2N - 03°17.4W), Belle Ile to leave starboard, mark buoy to leave portside, the lighthouse of Chanchardon to leave portside, the tower of Antioch to leave starboard, finish line between the buoy at the Minimes to leave portside and a tetrahedral orange buoy to leave starboard. That will meddle offshore and coastal course with all the difficulties that it brings: night sailing, fishermen fleets, coastal effects, currents, and tidal phenomenon... The firsts are expected Thursday in the late afternoon in the Port Minimes.
Good start at 11:20…
The fleet has set sails at 11:20 this morning and headed towards La Rochelle (Charente-Maritime) for 465 nm. The wind was 5 / 6 knots east sector (90 °). A windward mark was moored 1.3 miles off Cabo de San Lorenzo in front the Island of Tortuga and Nicolas Boidevezi (719 – Défi G.D.E) took the lead for protos ahead of Paul Marette (265 - Région Nord Pas de Calais) and Milan Kolacek (759 - Follow me). Among series boats, it’s Amaury François (697 - that was first to head North for his second crossing of the Bay of Biscay ahead Jean-Marc Allaire (464 - Baker Tilly - AG2R La Mondiale) and Pierre Cizeau (746 - Colibri).
The five first Series boats at the mark.
1 - Amaury François (697 -,
2 - Jean-Marc Allaire (464 - Baker Tilly - AG2R La Mondiale),
3 - Pierre Cizeau (746 - Colibri),
4 - Yann Le Pautremat (483 - As de cœur - Mécénat chirurgie cardiaque),
5 - Brendan Archin (757 - Association La Touline).
Five first prototypes that reached the mark.
1 - Nicolas Boidevezi (719 - Défi G.D.E),
2 - Paul Marette (265 - Région Nord Pas de Calais),
3 - Milan Kolacek (759 - Follow me),
4 - Thomas Normand (787 - Financière de l'Échiquier),
5 - Jorg Riechers (753 -
Start of the second leg.
The race's second leg between Gijon and La Rochelle has started! Wind sector East 90° at 6 knots.
Atmosphere before the start.
White and cloudy sky in Gijon at 8:00 this morning, there is almost no wind in the zone ... The sailors started to fill in the attendance sheet at 8:00 and the boats have started to leave Gijon's harbour at 8:30. Only 34 boats will leave, Vincent Pilato (481 - Mcom) will not set sails for personal reasons. The starting line should be on the right of the zone and the windward mark should be a 1.3 miles next to San Lorenzo beach... Now, everything depends of the wind in the zone...
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